Saturday, June 25, 2016

Well this is bananas

 If your house is anything like mine, your kids go through phases. For a while, my 1-year old seemed to want to eat nothing but bananas. Now he has pulled back off of that and seems to want yogurt all the time. I try to offer variety, and he tends to be pretty OK about balancing his eating over the course of a week or so, but he always seems to have a "food of the week" that he wants all the time.

So this is what I end up with after the banana phase: several overripe bananas that are no good for eating anymore, but have not yet gone moldy. Not much for eating any more, so what do we do with them? we certainly could just toss them into the compost heap, but that seems like such a waste. The better thing to do with them is to make banana bread. 
I have found a great recipe for banana bread on, and it is most definitely a keeper. Not too much added sweetness - since the bananas have already concentrated their sugars it is hardly needed - and definitely easy to put together. You can find the recipe here if you are interested. Man did the house smell fantastic while this was cooking, and it seems like if you had something you wanted to add it would be easy enough. I dropped in some cinnamon and nutmeg, but if you wanted to add some chopped walnuts or almonds it should be nice and easy too. If you like to add raisins, that would probably be easy enough as well - but I know not everyone likes to bake or eat raisins. 

Completed banana bread
Completed banana bread

What is your favorite thing to do with leftovers? Looking for suggestions or ideas and not necessarily just bananas Let me know in he comments below or in Facebook!

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