Sunday, June 26, 2016

Easy like Sunday Morning...

There are few things nicer than a cup of coffee and a stack of pancakes made from scratch to start the morning. Add a pat of butter and some Grade A Maple Syrup and you have yourself a breakfast feast. OK, so we didn't have bacon (shopping day is today) so there certainly was something we could have added, but not much more than that. I don't like to get pre-mixed pancake mixes, especially because making them from scratch is easy enough with the right ingredients.

The first thing to do is to make sure you have some self-rising flour on hand. This is a great mixture that can help with anything from shortcakes to pancakes to biscuits to breads. Self-rising flour is all-purpose flour with a pre-mixed portion of a chemical leavener - usually baking powder - and a little salt mixed in. It is generally available anywhere you shop. I would recommend having this flour in your pantry, since it is a great shortcut to have around and really useful for many different things. You can also find recipes to make it yourself if you feel so inclined.

Mmmmm - blueberry pancakes
Mmmmm - blueberry pancakes
Once you have the self-rising flour, mix a cup of the flour, a cup of milk, an egg and teaspoon of vanilla extract and you have yourself some pancake better. I know tastes for additional items run the gamut, so feel free to add whatever you like. In our house, we tend towards chocolate chips, blueberries, and ginger. Personally, this morning I chose all three. Made for a crowded pancake, but a tasty one. What is your favorite addition to pancakes? Share it with me in the comments below or on Facebook!

Oh, and if you're like me and now you have that song running through your head, you can listen to it below while you make your pancakes!

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