Monday, June 13, 2016

Growing back green onions

Scallions in a mason jar
Scallions in a mason jar

This is still a bit of an experiment in progress, but I wanted to start by putting this out there now. I found an article online recently about regrowing scallions (also known as green onions) by putting them in a mason jar. I had been interested in possibly growing some in our garden this year, but since we are a little late getting our garden started I bought a bunch of them to use in the meantime. Here is a link to the article from

The article stated that - if left in some water - scallions will completely regrow themselves. I like to have these on hand for garnish or for finishing a dish like a soup or salad, so I decided it was certainly worth a try. So I stuck the bunch of them in a jar with a little water, and then as I used the scallions I stuck the ends back in the jar, root side down.

I don't have a solid verdict yet, but the best plus that I have found to this so far is that the scallions stayed very fresh. If you are like me and don't tend to use a whole bunch at a time, I would definitely recommend this method of keeping scallions. You do have to watch the water level so that they don't get dry and start to wither on you, but they definitely stay very fresh.

Scallions getting some sunlight
Scallions getting some sunlight
As for them growing back, that is still a work in progress. I have noticed some fresh growth on the one bulb I cut way down, so it does seem like a complete regrow would be plausible. I will certainly keep you all updated on whether or not these regrow completely, and how their flavor is when they do grow back.

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