Monday, August 8, 2016

Baking Banana Bread with BAMBI


This evening, BAMBI and I decided that we would spend some time together in the kitchen baking. She has recently liked being able to take muffins to work with her in the morning, and we had baked some of my banana bread last week and it worked out rather well. So well in fact that our nearly 2 year old has taken to requesting "bee-ahh bed peez" which in his lingo means "banana bread please". 

Molasses and white sugar subbing in for brown sugar
Molasses and white sugar subbing in for brown sugar
One thing that I realized, a little too late, is that we were out of the required brown sugar. However, this DUDE doesn't panic. I knew that I had some molasses up in the cabinet, and armed with the knowledge that brown sugar is simply white sugar with molasses added (or remaining - depending on the quality you purchase) that is what I did. I measured almost all of the required amount of brown sugar, and then filled the rest of the vessel with molasses. Trust me - you would not notice the difference in the final product. The one thing about adding the molasses this way is that if you really like that molasses flavor, then you can just "accidentally" go a little overboard with the molasses here. 

First let's get the recipe out there:

  • 2 cups AP flour
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter (one stick) - softened
  • 3/4 cup brown sugar
  • 2 eggs - beaten
  • 2-3 mashed overripe bananas
Preheat your oven to 350 degrees, and if you're using a loaf pan grease it up. In one bowl cream the butter and sugar together. Mix in the eggs and smashed bananas and combine thoroughly. In a separate bowl add the flour, salt, and baking soda and combine. In stages combine the dry ingredients to the wet, and mix together. 

Let me pause here to show you a picture of BAMBI mixing the bread at this point:

Do you see it yet? Wait, let me zoom in a little bit...

Are you with me on this? Not yet? Let's go in one more time...

Yes. She mixed with a the stand mixer bowl...with the mixer sitting right there.  Poor ignored mixer. DUDE will find a way to use you soon. I promise you will get to do the pizza dough on Friday. BTW I actually bought the stand mixer FOR HER because we didn't get one as a wedding gift and she was the one who - at that time - liked to do the baking. Figures, right? 

In any case, this is the point at which you want to stop and consider additions. Chopped walnuts go in great, so would any number of other tree nuts, as long as they are small or chopped small. Mini chocolate chips also make a nice addition. BAMBI put some in because she claims to have found some article about how eating chocolate in the mornings helps to stave off the cravings later in the day. I think that's probably a bunch of hooey and she just wanted to find a reason to eat chocolate for breakfast. 

Either way this is when you start moving the batter into the cooking vessel. We placed the batter into lined muffin tins, but mini loaves work well, as does a full loaf. I will say that the more bananas you use the heavier the bread cooks and sets into whatever you cook it in, so if you are using more or larger bananas I would suggest smaller cooking units. 

Let's also discuss cooking times. 

Whole loaves will take about an hour to cook at 350 degrees. I have not cooked mini loaves with this recipe yet, but I would estimate they would take about 25-30 minutes to cook. Muffins take 13-15 minutes to finish. 

Let me just finish up by saying that this recipe is a great way to use up those last few bananas that no one wants to eat because they got too brown, or you can buy the bananas specifically for the purpose of mashing them up and making bread. Either way you go about it, it is definitely worth it. 

Finished muffins cooling off
Finished muffins cooling off

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